Male Rhinoplasty Surgery in Lahore | Karachi | Islamabad | Rhinoplasty
Male rhinoplasty surgery is becoming increasingly common with many men realizing that they don’t have to put up with having a nose which is unsightly or which they can’t breath through. The reasons for a male having a rhinoplasty are many and include the following:
- Unhappy with appearance of nose
- Previous broken nose
- Unable to breath through the nose
Men often have had trauma to their nose, which results in them having a higher degree of problems with breathing through the nose. This trauma is commonly caused as a result of sport. Associated with this trauma comes the obvious changes in appearance of the nose. As a general rule it is recommended that you have stopped playing contact sport before having a rhinoplasty performed.
Before having a rhinoplasty it is important to establish what the goals of the operation will be. Common goals of male rhinoplasty include:
- Straighten a bent nose
- Remove a large nasal hump [Dorsal hump]
- Tip refinement
- Improve breathing through the nose
Dr Azim J Khan believes that the true art in male rhinoplasty is to give a patient an operation that is not obvious. Dr Azim J Khan prides himself on making changes with the nose that are subtle to the casual observer. This allows men to have a rhinoplasty without drawing attention to themselves. Several examples of male rhinoplasty are in the gallery of pre and postoperative photos.
Straighten Nose
Straightening the nose is a very common request for a male rhinoplasty. Most men have some degree of bending of the nose, which may be very obvious. Some men have broken their nose multiple times, which is the cause of the bend in the nose. Another cause of having a bent nose is that the nose has grown that way. It is possible that other family members also have a similar bend in their nose.
Straightening the nose is different for each patient and Dr Azim J Khan will tailor the operation to suit your needs. The general steps of the operation include:
- Combination osteotomies to refracture the nasal bones
- Mobilise the nasal bones to a straighter position
- Septoplasty [Straighten cartilage in middle of nose which separates the left and right nostrils]
- Cartilage harvest for grafts
- Structural grafts for supporting the nose
- Bilateral turbinoplasty [Decrease scrolls of tissue inside the nose]
- Refine tip to be straighter
Hump Reduction
A large hump on the top of your nose is called a dorsal hump. Almost everyone has a dorsal hump to some degree. Many men feel that their dorsal hump is too large and detracts from the rest of their face. A large dorsal hump was classically called a roman nose. Large dorsal humps can also be made more obvious with multiple fractures of the nose.
Removing a dorsal hump is called “Hump Reduction”. Hump reduction used to involve giving patients a ski jump nose, which is definitely not what a male wants. Males want to have a hump reduction, reducing the prominence of their nose but maintaining their “BBQ credibility”. The goal of the hump reduction is to reduce the hump but maintain a natural looking nose. Dr Azim J Khan has had advanced fellowship training in rhinoplasty and prides himself on performing natural looking hump reduction.
Dr Azim J Khan is able to run through preoperative morphing of images with you so he can tailor the reduction of the hump to what you want. The steps of the operation vary between patients but in general involve the following:
- Tailored hump reduction
- Combination osteotomies to narrow nose if required
- Septoplasty [Straighten cartilage between right and left nostrils]
- Cartilage harvest
- Structural cartilage graft placement to provide support to nose
- Bilateraly turbinoplasty [Decrease scrolls of tissue inside nose]
- Refine tip if required
Refine Tip
Men seek to have the tip of their nose refined so that it doesn’t detract from the rest of their face. A large or twisted tip can be very obvious and disfiguring.
Tip refinement is a true art form, which needs to be tailored to the individual. Historically patients would have a tip refinement procedure, which involved removal of all of the cartilage under the skin. This would look good for a few months until the skin started to sag and the end of the patient’s nose would take on the resemblance of a sultana. Thankfully this is no longer done.
The art of tip refinement is in decreasing the prominence of the tip of the nose without destroying the structural support of the nose. Men are very aware that they don’t want to have a small petite nose and Dr Azim J Khan has had advanced fellowship training in how to refine the tip of the nose whilst ensuring that it is not too small for your face.
The techniques used in tip refinement in male rhinoplasty vary significantly between patients. Some of the techniques that may be used include the following:
- Lateral crural turn in flaps
- Lateral crural repositioning
- Lateral crural strut grafts
- Dome division
- Lateral crural steal procedures
- Lateral crural overlap
- Lipset procedures
To further discuss any of these straightening your nose, hump reduction or tip refinement ensuring a natural look make an appointment to see Dr Azim J Khan.